I have this in my /etc/apt/sources.list file.

# unofficial java packages
deb http://jopa.studentenweb.org/debian ./

Just use "apt-get update" then "apt-get install" whichever java files
you need.  An "apt-cache search java" should bring up a bunch of stuff.

Hope that helps.


On Sat, 2004-01-03 at 18:02, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Am 2004-01-03 17:31:26, schrieb outsider:
> >>Could someone point me to some easy to understand docs about the file
> >>system, maybe with a graphical representation, as it seems so different
> >>to billyware. I am trying to find java so I can get my browsers to run
> >>applets (I use mozilla and konq).
> >IMHO Java is not a part of the Debian distribution. To use it with 
> >mozilla you should install the blackdown java RE. 
> >(http://jopa.studentenweb.org/debian) because Sun's version of the JRE 
> >was build with another version of gcc and is not binary  compatible with 
> >newer mozilla versions.
> Not right, because I have downloaded the Sun JRE and JSDK Version 
> 1.4.4 and converted it with a smal Helper-deb to install it on 
> WOODY. The version I have downloaded is compiled with gcc2.95 
> (There are two versions of the SUN-JAVA)
> >outsider
> Greetings
> Michelle
> -- 
> Registered Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.

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