Eric C. Cooper wrote:

On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 04:51:44PM -0600, Brian Kelsay wrote:

Anybody have the Yamaha opl3sa2 sound chip, using either the module opl3sa2 or w/ support compiled in the kernel? I am going to compile the 2.4.23 kernel w/ support for my sound chip, but I don't know the exact line to pass to the kernel in lilo.conf.

I have one on the motherboard of an old Pentium II (desktop) machine. In 2.4.23, I have CONFIG_PNP=y CONFIG_ISAPNP=y and CONFIG_SOUND_OPL3SA2=m The kernel sees the chip as a PNP device, and "modprobe opl3sa2" works without any module (or lilo) parameters needed.

Mine appears to be a ISA non-PnP type. Odd in a laptop, I know, but
lspci and the isapnp tools don't see the chip.

You might see if compiling ISAPNP into the kernel solves it.

The old kernel (2.4.21-xfs) from Morphix had that enabled. Didn't do any good. I also tried to run pnpdump from the isapnptools.deb. When it ran, it would skip the ranges set for the sound in the BIOS. So really it's not PnP. In the BIOS you set the parameters. What I really need is the correct way to state the parameters. Like io=0x220 irq=9 mpu_io=0x330 dma=0 dma1=1, etc. There are a couple of other parameters like wssio (or is it mssio or is it mss_io) and do I need to pass the io for the opl3 chip? I would like to find a clear, concise, this is how to make it work, but so far I have not found that.

The best blurb I found is
This is info used w/ kernel 2.2.15.  I'm not going that far back.


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