I have tried a lot of combinations and options with de files options ,
pap-secrets and the chat script for conect my modem to internet. I also
have tried a lot of programs to make a ppp client for debian, but I
haven't get the conection.
I can conect to internet by the modem with windows and Red Hat
(redhat-config-network) but never with Debian. I am quite sure I have
write the telephone user and password of my ISP where I should to (the
first in the chat script and the two seconds in pap-secrets) but my
modem conect to my ISP and then /var/log/messages always says the following:
Nov 30 09:31:15 host1 chat[7249]: timeout set to 60 seconds
Nov 30 09:31:15 host1 chat[7249]: expect (CONNECT)
Nov 30 09:31:15 host1 chat[7249]: ^M
Nov 30 09:31:40 host1 chat[7249]: ATD909274044^M^M
Nov 30 09:31:40 host1 chat[7249]: CONNECT
Nov 30 09:31:40 host1 chat[7249]:  -- got it 
Nov 30 09:31:40 host1 chat[7249]: send ()
Nov 30 09:31:40 host1 pppd[7248]: Serial connection established.
Nov 30 09:31:40 host1 pppd[7248]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Nov 30 09:31:40 host1 pppd[7248]: Exit.
When I probed kppp:
The pppd daemon died unexpectedly.
Exit status: 1
HELP!, I would like to use only Debian but not whitout an internet
Sorry about my english :(

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