
Now I am an owner of a SMC2632W V.3 and i want to work with it using

A long time ago I build an own kernel (downloaded from kernel.org
2.4.20) because I want to use acpi with battery-function

As I know this card use the "linux-wlan-ng"-packages. I installed the
"linux-wlan-ng" and the "linux-wlan-ng-doc". But i could not install the
kernel-packages using my own compiled kernel.

PCMCIA works:
bash-2.05b$ cardctl ident
Socket 0:
  product info: "SMC", "2632W", "", ""
        manfid: 0x01bf, 0xb301
        function: 6 (network)

I cannot found the prism2_cs-kernel-moduls

Now my questions:
Do I need the linux-wlan-ng or do I need an other package?

Do I have to download the linux-wlan-ng-sources and compiled it?

Does anybody have an example-entry for me (/etc/network/interface)
                                                              |o_o | 
                                                              ||_/ |
CU                                                           //   \ \ 
                                                            (|     | )   
  Michael                                                  /'\_   _/`\
  |  Michael Ott, Glockenhofstr. 29a, 90478 Nuernberg   |
  | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tel. +49 9 11 41 88 576 |

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