On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 03:49:30AM -0400, James wrote:
> I read that may people are running 2.4.x kernels on their portables. Is 
> there a (semi) stable release
> of  Debian 2.4, that I can run on a portable?

You're mixing things up. Debian (the distribution) has a set
of release number: current 'stable' Debian is 3.0 ('woody').
Linux (the kernel) has a different, entirely independant,
naming scheme. There is no such thing as Debian 2.4.

If you do a
apt-cache search kernel-image
you'll find there is a collection of pre-compiled 2.4
kernels that are part of the 'stable' Debian. 2.4 kernels
are generally considered quite stable, and unless you're
after server-like, rock-solid stability, will be perfectly
fine for a laptop.
> I have a Prostar P-IV running at 2GHz....

So try
apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.18-686
> Could a portable boot 2 kernels (2.2.a and 2.4) from lilo without having 
> the installed packages wig out?
> This way I can test everything on the same portable BEFORE making a 
> permanent commitment to 2.4.

Yes, that's not an issue. IIRC apt-get will in fact tell
lilo you have two kernels, and lilo will let you choose
what kernel you want to use at boot-time (hold the shift key
when you boot). Have a look at /etc/lilo.conf and of course
man lilo.
> Is 2.4.x near a formal release for Debian?

Yes, more than a year ago :-)

> I really do not want to install everthing twice, but, if I
> have to I could do this and test all that is critical on
> 2.4, before deleteing the 2.2 kernel and packages?
> Suggestions and pointers to a  howto?

I would definitely suggest installing both kernels, trying
out 2.4, before even considering ditching your 2.2. As your
wording suggests you have another misconception: you do not
need to install *anything* else than the new kernel, to try
out the new kernel. This means, exactly the same packages
you are now using with the 2.2 kernel, will work just the
same with the 2.4.

(For the pedantically minded, this is not entirely true, but
you are garanteed to not have big problems anyway).

In fact, my laptop alternates between a 2.2 kernel and a
2.5.71 kernel, with exactly the same applications.

> Actually, this is hopefully answered somewhere(in a howto) ????

There are probably howtos on kernel compiling; you may want
to have a look at the documentation for lilo and make-kpkg
as well.

Marbles should be kept together.

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