
> I searched the net for 2 hours to find anyone who has installed a debian
> linux on a Libretto 100ct, just using a set of floppys. The result is, that one
> guy managed it but serveral guys not. So here is my question: Is there a set
> of floppys available to start the installation on a libretto ? The known
> problem is the PCMCIA-Bridge used in the libretto, that shouldn't work, after
> reading the first disc.
There is no install discs with support for the libretto floppydrive that
I know of, I solved the problem by using dos fdisk and split my disk in
desired partions, and using the swap partion for temporary storage of
the debian base system, and once I had everything up and running
reformated that partion as a linux swap.

One might make install discs if you patched a pcmcia based floppy
install disc with the patch for using the pcmcia floppy drive for
librettos. But I haven't tested that so I don't know if it would work..

good luck..


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