On Tuesday 25 March 2003 05:36, Ben Southwood wrote:

> I'm not sure if this is specific to laptops, but when installing debian
> woody 2.2.20 & bf2.4 after doing initial install of kernel debian cannot
> find my cdrom. it seems that the relevant modules are not being

What do you mean by debian can't find my cdrom?

What are you trying to do? Play music? Read a data cd?

> installed/configured/compiled. The links from /cdrom /dev/cdrom to /dev/hdc
> are correct (i have read that this is often a problem)

If your kernel reports a cdrom drive on /dev/hdc during boot, then it has 
found the drive and it is working correctly. The rest is just software 

One thing that might be a problem is, that you don't have userlevel access to 
the cdrom drive.

try # ls -l /dev/hdc

this should show something like:

brw-rw-rw-    1 root    disk      22,   0 Mar 14  2002 /dev/hdc
Check these

This can be changed by issuing

# chmod 666 /dev/hdc

> when I lsmod there are no modules that match cdrom or ide-cd.

All needed modules for ordinary cd drives are in the kernel and you don't need 
to do anything further.


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