On Sun, Mar 23, 2003 at 08:25:14PM +0200, Pavlos Parissis wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am running Debian 3.0.r1 on Dell latitude c840 and when 
> I disconnect the PS/2 mouse,M$ Intellinouse PS/2, and then 
> connect it again I lose the mouse. When I reconnect the PS/2 
> mouse the touch pad also is disabled. I have to restart X or go
> to console and get back to X in order to have again mouse!
> Any idea why is this happening?
> Pavlos

I'm not 100% sure, but I've always thought that THIS is not problem,
but this is feature, because that's how PS/2 works.
AFAIK PS/2 mice cannot be unplugged once driver for them is loaded,
after that they will stop working (it is not feature of Linux, try it
in M$ Window$). 

After restarting X, the driver is reloaded and mouse will start 
working again.

Maybe I am wrong, if so, someone corect me, please.

 Martin Kacerovsky      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://wizard.matfyz.cz 
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