On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 10:04:26 -0600
"Edward J. Branley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> but X barfs with the i810 server (the system has an Intel 82815
> graphics controller).

"X barfs" is a slightly ambiguous description.  If you would post the
relevant portion of your X log (/var/log/XFree86.0.log), it would be
easier to help. I'm guessing that there is something in XF86Config-4
that needs tweaking.

Chas Becht
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      (Public Key available on request)
www.unf.edu/~becc0003/           (or coenurus.org if my ISP is up)
"I'll need time. And squid." - Michael Yatskar

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