Hi folks...

Glen Mehn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeremy Turner wrote:
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Glen Mehn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 7:16 PM
>>>To: Jérôme Marant
>>>Subject: Re: Yet another "what laptop should I buy?" question
>>>go for the thinkpad. They're heavily linux-supported, and are built like
>>>(i.e., strong, not just sitting around)
>>>Although I think that the R series are the heavier models, they're
>>>pretty nice. IMO the T23 is the best power/portability-- about 2 1/2 kg.
>>>I think that the R series may break your '3 kg' rule, but IIRC it's a
>>>lot cheaper...
>>I second (or third) the call for the Thinkpad.  I have used the T20, A22,
and R31 models, and all three work just >fine with Debian.  The R31
required XFree 4.2, which I don't think is available in Woody.
>if you add:
>#faster XFree86 development
>deb http://people.debian.org/~blade/woody/i386/ ./
>to /etc/apt/sources.list, that'll give you 4.2 woody debs. Which work
>perfectly (for me) YMMV, etc.

First of all I have to apologize. I did not follow this thread from the
beginning, so my suggestion
might already be OT. Sorry for that.

I always would recommend IBM ThinkPads! The are robust, extremely good
supported under Linux and
even the older ones still have a very good resale value (if you would ever
dare to sell it).

I recommend the A-Series ThinkPads. They are very complete, the T-Series
often only have
either Floppy or CD-Rom/DVD.

My ThinkPad A21m has everything I need already inside: Sound, Modem,
Ethernet, DVD, Floppy,
2x PCMCIA, 1x Parallel, 1x Serial, 1x USB, 1x PS/2, 1x VGA. I only upgraded
to 256 MB RAM.
No more modifications.

I am not familiar with the R-Series so far, but from the first impression
they are just
too heavy. Maybe I am wrong.

My woody runs perfectly on my A21m. So if you need help feel free to ask.

bye Thomas


Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards

                   Thomas Kroener


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