On Sun, Dec 01, 2002 at 12:14:57AM -0500, Dan Christensen wrote:
> "Karl E. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On I4000 (bios A16):
> >          fn+#        Toggle CPU speed
> For the record, with a US keyboard this is fn+\ (backslash, above
> the enter key).  I didn't reboot with the slow setting, but based
> on some timings, this seems to switch my I4150 from 2 GHz to about
> 450 MHz.  

I didn't reboot either. I've an aversion against reboots - like having
to log in again...

> However, it doesn't cause the temperature to be any lower,
> and apm doesn't seem to think my battery is going to last any longer.

I don't see any change in the temperature either (I hadn't checked
before now). Odd - this means that the CPU generates proportionally
*more* heat (=wasting battery) when on low speed!?

> Karl, does apm predict better battery life for you, or did you test
> it by running the battery down?

I don't trus APM's predictions - ibam's preditions seem to be more
accurate (but not exact either).

Just for the sake of it I ran the battery down (this time with only one
battery present):

  100 *****+--+--+------------+--+---+------*****-+--+--+-----------++
      |   ****                +             *    ***                 +
      +    : ***              :             *     : ***              +
      |    :    **            :             *     :    ***           |
   80 ++.........**.........................*............***........++
      |    :      *           :             *     :        ***       |
      +    :      *           :             *     :          *       +
      |    :      *           :             *     :           *      |
   60 ++..........*.........................*.................*.....++
      |    :       *          :             *     :           *      |
      +    :       *          :             *     :            *     +
      |    :       *          :             *     :            *     |
   40 ++...........*........................*..................*....++
      |    :       *          :             *     :            *     |
      +    :       *          :             *     :            *     +
      |    :       *          :             *     :            *     |
   20 ++...........*...............**********..................*....++
      |    :       *        ********              :             *    |
      +Battery % ****** ***** :                   :             *    +
      |    +       * ****     +                   +             **** +
    0 ++---+--+--+-***--------+--+---+------------+--+--+-----------**
         12:00              13:00               14:00              15:00
        01 Dec             01 Dec              01 Dec             01 Dec

The first discharge cycle is at "high" speed : ca 30 minutes, the second
at "low" speed : ca 55 minutes (log available on request).

Oddly enough I forgot to plug it in again after the last discharge, and
the machine ran for 25 minutes with zero percent charge in the battery
(yep: it was complaining like mad, but I was busy elsewhere...).

I don't seem to get as much benefit from it as I did a month ago, but
I'm pretty sure that both of the following are true:
- My battery ageing - not very gracefully
- My BIOS is buggy - it has great trouble measuring the charge while on

I'm seriously beginning to doubt my BIOS now - I thought it was "sort
of" OK, but 25 minutes on an empty battery!?


Karl E. Jørgensen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://karl.jorgensen.com
==== Today's fortune:
Fanaticism consists of redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim.
                -- George Santayana

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