On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 12:34:04AM -0800, ben park wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am new to debian.
> During the installation, I was asked to make a startup
> floppy, but my laptop (a Dell CPX H500) cannot have cd
> and floppy the same time.
> I cannot put LINO into the master boot sector either,
> because my linux partition is in the last part of the
> disk (first 6GB for windows, last 6GB for linux).
This shouldn't be a problem...

Put lilo in the master boot record, and let it boot the partition with
windows on if you need win, let it boot linux when you need linux?

(your lilo.conf will read something like: "other=/dev/hda1 label=windows")
If you're installing from a recent boot image (starting from the woody setup
system, I think) it will put it there automatically).

As for the startup floppy, it's of course a safety backup, but it's not
strictly neccesairy, since you can always fetch a bootdisk, and dd it on a
floppy on anther machine, should you ever happen to need it... (eg, if you
reinstall windows, it will overwrite the mbr)

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