also sprach Karl E. Jorgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.11.27.1615 +0100]:
> When the temperature (allegedly) goes to 85 degrees, was it by any
> chance 42 degrees before then?   
>     85 = 1010101
>     42 = 0101010
> which is almost too much to be a coincidence...

Nice observation. It's quite possible. But I can't test it because it
always jumps to 85C after resuming, so I have no way to look at the
temperature before...

> I see from another thread that you're also suffering from random lost
> keystrokes - is this the same laptop?


> If so, I would be inclined to run it:
>  - without i8kutils : because of Dell's refusal to provide useful info
>    to the i8k author - there is a small chance that this specific
>    version of the BIOS does not like the way i8k tickles it.

will try.

>  - without apm : buggy [DH]ell BIOS'es are not unheard of.  My BIOS had
>    a bug where it would overcharge the battery, and thus kill it off
>    much sooner than necessary.  I ended up upgrading the BIOS and
>    getting non-dell batteries in protest.

will try.

>  -  or perhaps with ACPI instead of APM for a walk on the wild side...

will try.

> My money is on a buggy BIOS - it's a [dh]ell after all ...

right. screw Dell! they just lost a customer and I will also propagate
the word!

 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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