On Monday 25 November 2002 03:20 pm, Maximilian Pascher wrote:
> You have to apply it in Your kernel source-tree. Get it from
> http://acpi.sourceforge.net
> and patch Your kernel... After that You will find an extra menu option for
> ACPI and Your powermanagement will work.
> If You don't know how to patch, just ask :-)

Now with Jeremy Petzold saying he meant "APCI", this gets very confusing. To 
add more to the confusion: I can't find any APCI kernel patches on google, 
and there isn't a sourceforge project called apci either (so maybe Jeremy was 
confused twice, which accidentally makes him correct the first time?)

BTW, the URL you posted doesn't link to the ACPI files. 
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/acpi does though)


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