On Thu, 2002-10-24 at 13:57, NG SAMUEL wrote:
> hi,
> it's the first time i using the mailing list!
> i'm a new bie using fujitsu s6010.


According to the tech specs on the fujitsu website, it's a PIII with a
intel 830 MG chipset that should work with Debian. The Wi-Fi is not
documented but we will have more info after your Debian install :-)

Well the method is :
1- BACKUP seriously ALL your data
2- Search the install doc on the debian site
3- Go in a room with no electricity (then you're not tempted to switch
on and to start the install before you read the doc)
4- Go back in the modern room with electricity and computers
5- Ave you noted the "s" in computers in point 4 ? this is because if
you have question during the install, it's a good idea to have a google
or altavista near you.
6- Install your system. Take weeks or month to learn how well a debian
system works.
7- Go back to debian user lists and don't be to cruel with the newbies
that always ask questions before reading the doc ;-).

Most of the time the doc exists. The problem for the beginner is to find
the good doc. I use the search engine for that for Example given,
"fujitsu s6010 debian" in my google give the link :


It's in asian langage that I unfortunately don't read. So I don't know
if it's usefull.

> i just want to install the debian on my laptop for
> desktop using.
> is debian suitable? or any other suggestion?
There is other systems ? Never heard about it :)
> think you very much!

Good Luck

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