Vlad Popovici wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm just migrating to Debian (Woody), from another distribution, and I 
> have some configuration problems, such as getting PCMCIA net card 
> working with a newly installed kernel image. The original kernel 
> (2.2.20, from Woody), works OK with the card, but when I boot the 2.4.19 
> kernel I get "operation not permitted" when trying to modprobe for 
> pcmcia modules (as root).

you have to deal with the hotplug package now.

> I have installed the precompiled kernel with the corresponding pcmcia 
> modules package, as they are provided on Debian's site. I wonder if 
> someone could help me with some hints.
> Thanks,
> Vlad
> P.S. Oh yes, the machine is a Dell Latitude CPx500H, and the card a 
> Linksys Eth 10/100 (I am sure it's supported).

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