Debian potato with Ximian Gnome ran on my Compaq M700 laptop for over a year. What a beautiful system and laptop. I just loved it. I had to install XFree86 4.0.1 from the website originaly to get X windows to work. With a little tweaking it ran great for over a year.
Now , like many others I am upgrading to woody and XFree86 4.1.0-14.
The installation of XFree86 4.1.0-14 just wont configure properly. Error messages saying "it cant detect the mouse" after running XFree86 -configure. Even after editing the config file to "PS/2" and /dev/psaux , which were the settings for 4.0.1 , X wont work :(((.
After days without debian I am suffering withdrawal symptoms. I need help !
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