You aren't the only person who has encountered this problem.

You need to remove the "chip version" test (lines 700-706
in the 2.4.19-pre6 driver) from nsc-ircc.c.  Then the module
will load and work fine.

The driver isn't wrong according to the specs available for
the 87338/97338.  However, some chips just don't contain the 
specified module i.d.  You report getting 0x16; someone else
reported getting 0xff; I just tried and got 0x00.

I tried modifying the driver to read the version number many
times to see if it was a timing problem, but that didn't help.

IrDA folks: I think the test should be removed.

If it isn't removed, the code should at least be changed so
that instead of "Wrong chip version 16" it says:
          Wrong module I.D. 0x1
where 0x1 is the content of the high nybble.

                                         // Thomas Hood

Petr Stanek wrote to debian-laptop:
When Im trying to load the  module (Potato kernel 2.4.18-586tsc),
I get the following massage: "Wrong Chip version: 16".

modprobe ircomm-tty nsc-ircc says:

        nsc-ircc, Found chip at base=0x02e
        nsc-ircc, Wrong chip version 16
Findchip -v says:                                       

   Found NSC PC87338 Controller at 0x2e, DevID=0x0b, Rev. 3
    SIR Base 0x2f8, FIR Base 0x2f8
    IRQ = 3, DMA = 3
    Enabled: Yes, Suspended: no
    UART compatible: yes
    Half duplex delay = 0 us

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