On Tue, 2002-04-09 at 11:55, Nick wrote:
> To all
> Thank you all for your help explaining Woody and Potato
> I have decided to stick with my current installation of
> Woody and wait for the release of 3.0.
> I had a look at a site for downloading the testing version
> of Woody, why so many cd's? 

I'm not sure where you've looked, but there are many distributors who
provide CD's with Debian on them. You've probably found one which
includes all of Debian (main, contrib, sources) and that's just too much
to fit on one CD. There are thousands of software packages available!

Take a look at http://www.debian.org/distrib/ to find out what the best
way to get Debian is.

In short, if you don't have a fast Internet connection (say 256k DSL or
faster) then you'll probably be best off getting the software on CD-ROM.

If you have a fast Internet connection (or if you can borrow someone
else's) then you only need to create a set of installation disks and
everything else will be downloaded for you.

If you already have Woody installed, then you just need to update
through the internet. First, make sure APT is configured correctly:

    apt-setup  # (run this as root)

Then, run (still as root)

    apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade

After some waiting and possibly answering some questions about how you
want things set up, you'll have the latest woody packages.

Doing this after woody has released will get you the final woody system
instead of the "testing" system.


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  • Woody Nick
    • Fabian Fagerholm

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