At 01:07 PM 3/21/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>I installed Debian 3.0 in my new laptop last night and everything
>seems to be working almost fine. (I have not tried X however). The
>only things which I don't like is that the console only occupies a
>fraction of the display at the center. Wht's going on here and how do
>I get a full size console?
>Any help would  be greatly appreciated.
>                   Astrophysics Group
>    Luís E Mendes  Imperial College        Tel. +44 (0)20 7594 7539
>                   Blackett Laboratory     Fax. +44 (0)20 7594 7541
>                   Prince Consort Road
>                   London, SW7 2BW
>                   United Kingdom

It sounds like a BIOS control to enable or disable 'LCD stretch mode'. Have 
a look for a similar sounding option in your BIOS setup, should sort it out.


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