On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 12:12:31AM -0500, nick phillips wrote:
> hello again list...
> thanks for all the help! i see the opl3sa2.o modules in my /misc directory
> but i am having a hell of a time using modprobe. when i use it i get a
> 'can't locate' error, which i get for every combination of directories i
> enter in. the module itself is located in /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/ -
> where does modprobe start looking for modules? i tried 'modprobe opl3sa2.o'
> or 'modprobe /misc/opl3sa2.o' and so on but i'm having no luck, and reading
> the modprobe manual doesn't help me out at all. i'm sure this is a simple
> question, and i appreciate your help..

You shouldn't need the directory or ".o" extension:

  modprobe opl3sa2

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