On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 12:33:44PM -0800, Sky McKinley wrote:
> Hi.  I'm looking for a decent PCMCIA modem for my laptop.  I tried a
> 3Com modem, but apparently it's a winmodem, so it gets sent back to the
> store.  Any suggestions?
> - Sky.

I've used a IBM 56k data-fax modem pc card for a couple of years
without a hitch.  Mine uses an x-jack connector, which looks fragile
but has held up so far.  This card didn't require any tweaking of
files in /etc/pcmcia/; the debian install routine has configured it
properly without any intervention on my part on two different
thinkpads.  This card is actually manufactured by US Robotics.  As I
recall, the IBM-branded card was slightly less expensive than the US
Robotics card.  Good luck.

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