> > If you're interested in working with me on this, I'd suggest we keep trying
> > and report back to this list and acpi-devel with our results.  We seem to be
> > at a pretty similar point.
> Yes, I thought the same. However, for the next weeks, I'm pretty (I start my
> last exams tomorrow).
+ busy

Furthermore, on my 2500:
echo 1 > /proc/acpi/sleep: switch off the display, the hdd is still on.
pcmcia down ... Requires to press the power button to get it back to S0
(so I had to switch off acpid which by default run init 0 ! :)
echo 3 > /proc/acpi/sleep: directly switch off the power :( No suspend
suspend to disk procedure
echo 4 > /proc/acpi/sleep: nothing happens.

Baptiste Malguy      |  Mel: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
_____________________|  Web: http://baptiste.malguy.net
USA = stupid kids    |  IRC: #mds on IRCNet (Babou)
with big bombs       |

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