
> > I'm told that this is handled by the X server, though this surprises
me.> > I've never had to do any modification of XF86Config to allow
swicthing> > between internal and external modes.

On my Acer Extensa 501 DX (neomagic video chipset), this is handled by the
X server and I added the following lines in the XF86Config file (potato,
did not try XFree 4 yet).


This is just to say that this is handled by the server but it may not be
of great help to you. However, I had a look at http://www.xfree.org and
the Mach64 server in XFree 3.3.6 does not seem to offer such a possibility
in the server's setup. You may be more lucky with XFree 4.2 as there is an
option "crt_screen" (specific to ATI drivers) which is aimed to disable
dual display when two displays have been detected by the bios. This means
that you can not 'control' what happens, the bios decides what to do. But
it may be allright.

What version of XFree do you use?

Good luck.


  Olivier Crouzet, Ph.D.
  Institut des Sciences Cognitives
  UMR 5015 CNRS-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  67, boulevard Pinel
  69675 Bron Cedex

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