martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Derek Broughton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > is, indeed, our _problem_ if we are using Outlook Express to
> > read this list, but surely not generally our _fault_.  You use what
> > circumstances require you to use.  Obviously most of us have an
> > interest in using an OS that doesn't support Outlook Express, so
> > there must be other reasons why we actually send mail with it.
> > Behaving politely and not sending multiparts to a list is hardly
> > asking you to compromise your principles.
> there is no reason why you actually send mail with it. i don't
> understand people who even work at places that insist on micro$oft.
> --

My, my,
what a crusader we have here..

I seriously share your ideals about free software, but, just out
of curiosity:

1) Have you looked outside the window (no pun intended) in the last
   4/5 years? Free software it's not being used exclusively by sysadmins
   anymore. This is a Good Thing (TM) because eventually more people
   will see the truth as you already have.

   In the meantime, however, try to remember that many people who
   think like you do NOT have root password at work. I evangelize
   Open Source and Linux as much as I can, even in the office. In the
   meantime, since my job title is *not* sysadmin, I have to use
   whatever my employer gives me, because I'm not supposed yet to mess
   around with compilers, .debs and such here. And I'd guess this is
   a very common situation. Hence, mutt from home at night, Netscape
   or sometime outlook during the day

2) I hope in *your* interest that you weren't serious with that "never
   work in MS companies" attitude. *There* are worst things in life: try
   to think about you keeping your point with no other job, a mortgage
   and kids needing three meals a day, will you? Even if from your reply
   you look more like one of those unaware kids than an adult.
   I hope you're good enough at your work to afford such a luxury.
   Honestly, you don't look mature enough anyway

3) I'm not bitching you because I have nothing else to do and you gave
   an excuse to type. I am doing it because I care about Free Software
   least as much as you, and pompous answers like yours are exactly
   keeping the other 95% of the planet stuck with the other side.

   If you go to them and explain serenely where the solution is, they
   get it eventually.

Last but not least, all this is *not* off topic. Well, maybe isn't about
but certainly about why Debian and Open Source in general are still
ignored by
the general public. And before you start, don't go "who needs them" on

You might use Open Source continuosly, and brag about how much you gain
in money
and security, but you'll still pay your (pizza, rent, whatever) more
than needed
because the accountants using Excel charge it back to their customers
charge it on.... guess who?


DISCLAIMER: as the smartest readers might already have guessed the
opinions in this
message are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect any official
positions of my

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