also are you sure you using the correct archictecure?
Are you trying to install i386 linux on a mac?
On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, Herr Mathias Tradinik wrote:
>Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 15:12:40 +0100
>From: Herr Mathias Tradinik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: problem with installing debian on a mac powerbook!
>please forgive me if these are bad questions, but I'm new in Linux in
>I've got a powerbook 190cs
>i've downloaded debian from the FTP Mirror in Austria and I've started the
>mac OS shuts down and linux starts, it checks several things.
>And then it hangs!
>the last outputs are:
>RAM disk driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 4096K
>loop: registered device at major 7
>ide0: Macintosh Poerbook IDE interface
>and thats the point where it still hangs!
>I've tried it serveral times every time the same thing
>Please help me!
>thanks a lot!
>Mathias Tradinik
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