On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 08:34:52PM +0530, Muthukrishnan, Ramakrishnan wrote:
> Hi,
> I will be travelling US shortly, and would like to buy a good laptop
> (under $1200). Could someone give a recomendation?

are you looking to buy while in the u.s., or while you be buying before
you travel? if the former, you might want to look for good deals on
thinkpads (like an x20 or x21). i picked up one there with a 3 year
warranty for about $700 less than retail. runs debian like a champ.

Sergio J. Rey   http://typhoon.sdsu.edu/rey.html
Why use Linux? We could give you a thousand reasons.
         - Matt Welsh and Lar Kaufman

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