Glen Mehn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: GM> personal preference, I think. GM> GM> And perl/python is apples and oranges: python is object oriented GM> (like java, C++), while perl is more like C. GM> GM> A lot of people take issues with perl's lack of standards-- where GM> {}, (), etc, may or may not be required. GM> GM> As to having {} and ;, it's a matter of the language structure, GM> and that's all. Whether or not you use them is simply a matter of GM> how you structure the language.
For someone who's just starting out, doing anything non-trivial in Perl can be extremely confusing; there's a fundamental difference between $foo{'bar'} and $foo->{'bar'}, and it's not obvious how they relate to the variables $foo, @foo, and %foo (which are all different).[1] For someone who's just beginning, good language picks are probably: -- Python: very simple language structure, little punctuation, reasonably high level of intuitiveness. Free tools, good OO semantics, reasonable documentation. -- Java: C-like syntax (good if you eventually want to learn C), object-oriented with relatively sane semantics (good if you eventually want to learn C++). Downsides are a lack of free tools and a fairly slow compile-execute cycle. -- C: most Linux programs are actually written in C, so if you want to "hack on Linux stuff" you'll probably eventually want to learn C. Plusses: standardization, good books, ubiquity; minuses: pointers, explicit memory management. No one Web site, but _The C Programming Language_ (Kernighan and Ritchie) is the canonical reference book, and isn't bad to learn from. [1] In particular, if you don't know Perl already: $foo is a scalar (number or string); @foo is an array of scalars; %foo is a string-to-scalar hash table. $foo[0] is the first element in the array @foo, and $foo{'bar'} is the element referenced by the string 'bar' in the hash %foo. A scalar can also be a reference to some other variable, though (this is the only way to build nested data structures); this is a similar concept to pointers in C, only more hackish. So if $foo is a reference to a hash, $foo->{'bar'} gets the 'bar' element from that hash, but not necessarily (though possibly) the 'bar' element from %foo. For contrast, in Python, you similarly have numbers, strings, arrays, and "dictionaries". The variable foo can be exactly one of these types (or some other object type); foo[0] gets the first element of foo, if foo is an array; foo['bar'] gets the element referenced by the string 'bar' if foo is a dictionary. There's none of the "well, depending on the bit of punctuation afterwards, $foo could actually reference pretty much anything" nature that Perl has. Not, mind you, that it isn't useful to learn Perl; a fair number of scripts, including many important things on a Debian system, are written in Perl, and if what you're doing is vast amounts of text-processing then it's even the right tool. But IMHO the documentation is hard to get around unless you know what you're looking for; it's probably a poor first language, and a good third or fourth one. -- David Maze [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Theoretical politics is interesting. Politicking should be illegal." -- Abra Mitchell -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]