On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 02:03:24PM -0500, Doc - KD4E wrote:
> <<snip>>
> Is there a simple inquiry to discover this?
> "X -probeonly" only gets me "bash: X: command not found"

(speaking from fallable memory): That's probably because you're in
single-user mode. 1st priority is to get you into multi-user mode
without X. Read on.

> > Do they have 2.4.16 up yet?
> Linux Kernel 2.5 pre-patch 2.5.1pre4
> > What sort of "doesn't work" does it do, e.g. error messages, etc.
> Several commands have been suggested to try and activate X from
> Single and none have worked.  As you have noted, trying to test
> anything in between the flashing display is a recipe for frustration.
> > Turn off xdm/gdm/kdm so you don't have a GUI login attempt gumming up
> > the works.
> And I do that how, please?

Edit /etc/init.d/xdm (or gdm or kdm) and change the first line to 
    exit 0
will do the trick. Alternatively, you can execute:
    apt-get remove xdm (or ...)
if you prefer to actually remove the software rather than just
de-activating it.
> > You may, however, need to back down to "plain" SVGA support until you
> resolve
> > acceleration problems.  That will require editing some control files, or
> > regenerating them.
> > xf86config is good, it's a text mode app that only asks you all the right
> > questions, rather than expecting the GUI to work yet.
> > * Heather Stern * star@ many places...
> Sitting in the /usr/X11R6/bin directory "ls" shows me xf86config but neither
> "xf86config -probeonly" or "xf86config" gets me anywhere.  I get a "command
> not found error".  I presume this is because I am in Single mode?

(speaking from fallable memory:) 
> Thanks!  doc

Karl E. Jørgensen
==== Today's fortune:
The linuX Files -- The Source is Out There.
        -- Sent in by Craig S. Bell, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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