On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> not really a laptop mailing list question, but you have mentioned a laptop so
> I guess it counts :)

> The only ways I could think of you getting a secure UDP channel is to use
> IPSec (if it actually does UDP).  However as UDP is only used in
> games/video/audio streaming there shouldn't be a need for encryption,
> officially.  However for things like video/audio converferencing there should
> be encryption built into the package that will secure the connect for you.
ipseq is a lowlevel protocol-encryption system.
It works on the ip-layer, so tcp as well as udp can work.

> sorry I cannot be more helpful but in a word you cannot do ssh+udp=works :)
> Alex
> -- 
>  _____________________________________ 
> ( BOFH excuse #380:                   )
> (                                     )
> ( Operators killed when huge stack of )
> ( backup tapes fell over.             )
>  ------------------------------------- 
>         o   ^__^
>          o  (oo)\_______
>             (__)\       )\/\
>                 ||----w |
>                 ||     ||

Andor Demarteau

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