Greeetings .
recently the BeOs has become available for
aquisition . Palm has been the major contender so far with it's intention of
using code base for other projects which will have nothing to do with BeOs .
Effectivily the demise of a beutifull OS. Built from the ground up for multi
media , scalability and performance . To any who have used this ellegant OS
or are involved with multi media and computers the future looks bleak . an Apple
and Microsoft complete dominance over the market /*very high pricess and
uniformness or unreliability and cowardes*/.
Fortunatly there is a group who has noticed what
was going on and has acted . FreeBeOs .
they are intent on a comunity purchase and relese
as freeware by the OpenSouce community .
They Need Y O U R E Help .
You are the opensouce comunity and You will be the
benefactor of this tryumph .
For more infomation please write to
sincerly .
Sid Davies .
please excuss shocking
spelling |