Chris Halls wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 05:48:55AM -0400, Tom Allison wrote:
>>I have attached a dump of the syslog from 'irda start' and it's working!
>>I'm so happy!
> Well done!
>>I have one question though -- my baud rate is reported at 9600.
>>For a palm pilot Vx, can I turn this up?  How High?
> Are you sure its 9600?  I'm no expert on this, but looking at your syslog
> output...
>>Oct 23 05:42:13 thorin kernel: irlmp_register_client_R17f18bfb()
>>Oct 23 05:42:13 thorin kernel: irlap_change_speed(), setting speed to 9600
> Isn't that the default speed?
>>Oct 23 05:44:18 thorin kernel: ircomm_tty_attach_cable()
>>Oct 23 05:44:18 thorin kernel: ircomm_tty_ias_register()
>>Oct 23 05:44:18 thorin kernel: irlmp_register_client_R17f18bfb()
>>Oct 23 05:44:26 thorin kernel: irlap_change_speed(), setting speed to 115200
> Here the speed is increased, and ircomm (the serial protocol) does its stuff
>>Oct 23 05:44:26 thorin kernel: ircomm_param_service_type(), services in common=06
>>Oct 23 05:44:26 thorin kernel: ircomm_param_service_type(), resulting service 
>>Oct 23 05:44:27 thorin kernel: ircomm_param_xon_xoff(), XON/XOFF = 0x11,0x13
>>Oct 23 05:44:27 thorin kernel: ircomm_param_enq_ack(), ENQ/ACK = 0x13,0x11
>>Oct 23 05:44:27 thorin kernel: ircomm_tty_check_modem_status()
>>Oct 23 05:44:37 thorin kernel: ircomm_param_xon_xoff(), XON/XOFF = 0x11,0x13
>>Oct 23 05:44:37 thorin kernel: ircomm_param_enq_ack(), ENQ/ACK = 0x13,0x11
>>Oct 23 05:44:37 thorin kernel: ircomm_tty_check_modem_status()
>>Oct 23 05:45:14 thorin kernel: ircomm_tty_close()
>>Oct 23 05:45:14 thorin kernel: ircomm_tty_shutdown()
>>Oct 23 05:45:14 thorin kernel: ircomm_tty_detach_cable()
>>Oct 23 05:45:14 thorin kernel: ircomm_close()
> Now the connection is closed
>>Oct 23 05:45:18 thorin kernel: IrLAP, no activity on link!
>>Oct 23 05:45:27 thorin kernel: irlap_change_speed(), setting speed to 9600
> and the speed is set back to the default
> It looks to me as if the speed is 9600 while nothing is connected, then
> jumps to 115200 as you do something, then goes back to 9600 afterwards.
> Or am I missing something?
> Chris

jpilot is configured to run at 115200.
What you see here is a "fight" between the software and the hardware 
drivers.  I wasn't doing anything at this point with the software.

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