Thanks very much for the help.

I've updated to the "testing" pcmcia-cs package. I've also verified that 
the system is beeping twice at start-up, so presumably the card is 
recognized and configured. One more thing that I got wrong in my original 
question - after PCMCIA starts, it's the "Ln/Act" light on the dongle that 
lights up (and stays on), not the "10/100" light.

Since I updated the pcmcia-cs package, when I run:

pump -i eth0

I get:

eth0: found link beat
eth0: autonegotiation complete: 10baseT-HD selected
eth0: interrupt stopped from card
Operation failed

"ifconfig" still doesn't show eth0, though.

I'm starting to strongly suspect that the card is working fine, and that I 
just have to worry about the connection to the cable modem at this point. 
Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Along those lines, I came across a newsgroup post that might be applicable 
to my situation. It said in /sbin/ifup to change the line:

"if /sbin/pump -i $DEVICE; then"


"if /sbin/pump -i $DEVICE -h HOSTNAME; then"

(where HOSTNAME is my authentication string from the cable provider).

/sbin/ifup, however, is (not surprisingly) a binary file (or at least a lot 
of garbage shows up on my screen when I do "vi /sbin/ifup") - I assume that 
this means that I would have to make the change before compiling it. Is 
this right, or do I have no idea what I'm talking about?

Again, many thanks for any direction.



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