What you want is called wwwoffle (in sid at least) and it means www off


Le mer, 04 jui 2001 02:58:56, Tony Godshall a écrit :
> I browse the web like this:
> 1. Start with a list of topics
> 2. Open a google search for each topic and minimize the
> window (I don't want to sit and wait like a dummy) (BTW: I
> love surfraw but I have to figure out how to make it start
> konqueror minimized!)
> 3. Go back through my google results, and open the most
> promising links in a minimized window.
> Effectively, my minimized window is my queue and I run a
> number of lines of inquiry at a time.
> What has this to do with laptops?  Well, I have more time to
> read when I'm on the bus on the way to work (I bicycle home
> but I feel bicycling to work would be rude to my coworkers
> since we don't have a shower at the office).
> The point is, I would like to have these interesting sites
> snarfed onto my laptop to read offline and then have the
> URLs for the interesting links queued up in some way.
> I suppose what I need is some kind of trigger from the web
> browser.  Maybe an offline web proxy replacement that just
> appends the URL to a file and then puts up a page that says
> "page request queued".  When I connect back to the web, it
> could stop the offline proxy and fire up squid or whatever
> normal proxy (or even reconfig the browser for no-proxy?)
> and run through the URL file doing a wget for each URL.
> So I guess my question is, does anyone know of some handy
> way to do offline "depth-first" style web browsing like I've
> described, and if not is this something others could use?
> And have I made the waters sufficiently muddy?
> --
> Tony
> --  
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