> I am wondering how one would go about installing Debian on a laptop that has no
>cdrom or network card? Can I use a direct cable connection to my pc? If so what
>configurations do I need on the pc? Many thanks in advance.
> Dan Cox
There is a HOWTO for using parallel "laplink" cords to do this:
Essentially once you have PLIP itself working, the rest is a
standard network-based install.
Alternatively, you can
1. install via floppies
you'll need about 15 of them, so you can get Base installed,
and cook up a rescue floppy or two for yourself. How you'll
give it more than Base when you'll still have no cdrom nor
network, I dunno, since some debs are bigger than a floppy.
2. the "hard" way - take out the hard disk and prep it elsewhere
I actually have done this many times. You need:
a. a workspace where it is VERY easy to not lose little
bitty screws
b. many sizes of screwdriver
c. enough gumption and carefulness to open your laptop
and remove the drive
d. some adapter that will let you mount up the drive in
another box with, ahem, modern conveniences. This
could be PCMCIA-to-ATAPI, or a cheap adapter for the
mini-IDE pinout to Standard Desktop size IDE cords.
Then just install the distro on /dev/hdb or whatever
it shows up as, customize as much as you can (you'll
have the wrong video details, at minimum) and grab
the raw .debs for anything else you think you will be
needing. and tgz's or other source kits of anything
else you'll be needing from The Outside World before you
lock the thing back up in its old laptop.
e. Be EXTRA careful not to squish the Host's boot record
with the one for the laptop's drive :(
Best in your quest...
* Heather Stern * star@ many places...
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