On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 08:05:53PM -0400, Dr. Jon R. Fox wrote:
> A lot of my mail gets bounced back with since my machine doesn't have a fqdn (mail
>looks like its from rsifox@ .
> Netenv has a DOMAIN= setting, but this doesn't seem to affect
> # hostname --fqdn
> rsifox
> how do I get it to represent my fully qualified domain name at work?
Hmm, unsure about netenv's fqdn features... however, I think the fqdn
simply comes from your /etc/hosts. The first name on the relevant line
for your machine becomes your fqdn...
# cat /etc/hostname
# hostname --fqdn
# grep baboon /etc/hosts baboon.wilgenhof.sun.ac.za baboon
If I edit /etc/hosts and swap the two, hostname --fqdn returns "baboon",
instead of baboon.wilgenhof.sun.ac.za... So you need to either
directly edit /etc/hosts, or figure out how it is set up if it isn't
Hugo van der Merwe
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