On my Libretto 100ct...
I did the stupidest thing, to nuke win98, before I had thought the process through..
The floppy is only useful for booting the first disc. it won't work since it's not
workning like a normal floppy, and requiers a special driver, and some hacking into
the kernel floppy code =)
The best advice I can give you is, to choose your debian, version take the swap
partion, and make a DOS partion of it (Only temporarly)
Put the base system, there with all the drivers disks etc.
The use loadlin from there.. And when you have installed you system, then you put
back, the swap partion..
Since you are going to need all the stuff in the base system, for PCMCIA drivers and
so on..
I'm currently updating to SID, and have no problems at all..
Maybe you should have a copy of your XF86Config, in case, you haven't hacked it
I can't recall any options about those settings in the XFree tools..
well.. good luck..
On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 09:19:24AM +0000, se-viaton-noita wrote:
> Hello! I'm installing Debian 2.2 and my laptop is Toshiba Libretto 100ct.
> I can use floppydisk to boot and I have NFS to another pc. Are there any
> special things to do installing this way?
> What is the best linux to install? The one in Potato? And what about
> PCMCIA? Are the drivers awailable in Debians "current"?
> Now Libretto has M$-98 and RH-6 and M$ takes 0,4G and the real OS has the
> rest of my HD. I'd like to kick off Micey Mouse right now! Is it ok to do
> it now or later...?
> maRia
> --
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