Well, there was no joy on /proc/stat. None of the interrupts
responded to "zone" keypresses, no interrupts on the "rocker" switch
on my keypad either. I'm thinking that something needs to be enabled
first. Back to plan A, look at kernel code. :)
Thanks anyway, it's still a useful tip.
--- Peter Cordes wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 10:50:14AM -0800, Alan Chen wrote:
> > BTW, I think you might need to be in a non-X console for showkey
> to
> > work.
> Yes, of course.
> > I have similiar keys on my HP laptop, but I haven't gotten to
> > work yet. Talking to the author of the keyboard howto, if showkey
> > doesn't respond to keypresses for your "zone" keys, you might need
> to
> > play with some kernel code to see if the kernel is even receiving
> data
> > for those buttons via the kb interface.
> You can see if pressing them makes anything at all happen, by
> looking
> at
> the interrupt counters in /proc/stat. Run
> watch -n1 grep intr /proc/stat
> and press the keys. If any interrupt counters other than the timer
> (irq 0),
> ethernet, and disk (and anything else that generates interrupts by
> itself)
> go up, then you've got something.
> The first number after intr is the total of all interrupts, the
> numbers
> after are the counts for irq0, irq1, ...
> BTW, this will work even if there is no driver using that IRQ,
> which
> is
> necessary for /proc/interrupts to show it.
> --
> #define X(x,y) x##y
> Peter Cordes ; e-mail: X([EMAIL PROTECTED] , ns.ca)
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