I suspect you may not have the "correct" type of keyboard
specified in your XF86Config file... I'm no expert on these
new keyboards with the funny "Windows?" key, but I
I remember seeing information a while back on the 102, versus
103, or whatever. This funny looking key might start working
(or at least generating X keyboard events) if you try some of
the other keyboard "types".
When you used XFree 3, did the emulate 3D buttons work, and
YOU were not happy with it, but it allowed paste, etc.? Or
was the SYSTEM not happy with it?
>From: Andreas Tille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Debian Laptop-Liste <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Mouse under X
>Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 13:30:07 +0100 (CET)
>usually Laptops have only two mouse buttons (near touchpad or something
>else). I noticed that under gpm at console the right button works as
>paste and I like this so far (don't know why - havn't explicitely done
>something to enforce this - but it's fine).
>Unfortunately under X this isn't the case. Under XF 3.3.? I used
>emulate3buttons but wasn't very happy about that. After installing
>XFree 4.0.2 from testing I noticed that the emulate3buttons option
>was not included in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 by the config utility called
>via debconf. Well, I think I can manage it using xf86config by
>hand, but this isn't the question.
>I wonder if there is any clue to use the damn Win-Keys on the keyboard
>to toggle mouse behaviour (I have heard Mac-Users do so to cope with
>the single mouse button - never used such a box). Did somebody the
>trick to get the following behaviour working:
> <Mouse-Left>: mark
> <Win>+<Mouse-Left>: paste
>Currently my Win-Keys do nothing at all (whished I would have bigger
><ctrl>/<alt> keys and no Win-key at all :-( - but if they are here, why
>not using them).
>Kind regards
> Andreas.
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