On Saturday 10 March 2001 15:34, Alexander Clouter wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Jacek M. Wuwer wrote:
> >- Has anyone managed to successfully persuade BIOS to use suspend to
> >disk partition instead of file on FATXX ( active ?? ) partition ? The
> >file size with decent amount of RAM on T20 drives the allocation unit on
> >FAT16 considerably.
> If I'm right, you make space at the end of you harddisk, slightly more
> (about 4-8Mb) than how much memory you have.  Set the partition ID to
> &0xa0 (if I remeber, you want the IBM hibination one) and run the
> software you got with your laptop that "format"'s the new partition.
> This should sort things out.  However as I don't have a T20 you could be
> on your own, however all the laptops I have set up use this process for
> a hibination routine.

I have not seen any facility in IBM laptops to do this.  All the facilities 
that I have used have been based on the "ps2.exe" program which uses space on 
an existing partition.  The space requirement is RAM + Video RAM + a small 

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