On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Torsten Reuss wrote:

> Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 10:28:04 +0200
> From: Torsten Reuss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:
>     =?ISO-8859-1?Q?/usr/include/linux_(WAS:_=5FPCMCIA=5F=22make=5Fall=22=5Ferr
>     ors)?=
> Manfred Wassmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > BTW it is a bad idea that was suggested earlier to delete
> > /usr/include/linux. On Debian those files are used to compile
> > application
> > programs only and have nothing to do with the kernel you are
> > compiling.
> AFAIK, debian is the only distribution where /usr/include/linux is not a
> symlink to /usr/src/linux/include. I had trouble with it at least once, when
> I tried to compile some kernel-related programs (I think it was ALSA),
> because the include files didn't really match my kernel. Anyways, where is
> the idea of having two sets of include files on your system?
> Wondering,

Debian is only the first one, the others will follow. The point is to
ensure that application programs can be compiled with a set of headers
that matches those headers the installed libc was compiled with and still
being able to compile a new kernel version. 

The kernel compilation never touches /usr/include/linux whereas the
compilation of an application program never touches 
/usr/src/linux/include/linux. But if you have /usr/Include/linux symlinked
to /usr/src/linux/include/linux and install a newer kernel source, chances
are that the compilation of a user program will break because the headers
don't match those your libc was compiled with. The same holds for
/usr/include/asm and /usr/src/linux/include/asm respectively.

There were a couple of different attmepts to solve the problem in Debian
which let to the current solution. I read a detailed documentation about
that some time ago but I'm sorry to say I nca't remember where. There
is however some documentation in /usr/doc/libc6/README.Debian.gz which
tells you what to do if you really need to compile application programs
with a different set of headers than those supplied by libc6-dev.

Manfred Wassmann
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