I think you are speaking something of what I am looking for here!!
I have been thinking seriously about upgrading my lap-top, which has
survived long...
I have a "toy" 486 lap-top (486 DX4 75 Mhz to be precise) And how can I
upgrade the processor etc on this please!!
My laptop is a Compaq LTE Elite 4/75 CX
any places where I can get info on how to upgrade this lap-top?? from 486
to say a reasonable speed pentium processor??
thanks in advance!!
Praveen Kamath
On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, Russell Coker wrote:
> On Friday 05 January 2001 08:50, Dan Christensen wrote:
> > First, the hard drive: the main reason I want to upgrade is to get
> > something faster. My HD is a 6G Hitachi that came with my Vivante
> > when I bought it almost two years ago. I find it to be very slow.
> > Can anyone recommend a faster drive, which is also relatively energy
> > efficient? 8 to 9G would be perfect. Can anyone guess how many rpm
> > my drive would be? I can't find this in any of the docs. Will any
> > 2.5" IDE drive work?
> All the 2.5" IDE drives are supposed to be compatible (which doesn't mean
> that they will be).
> If you buy from a large store you should be able to buy on the basis that it
> will work in your machine and the store will take the risk that it doesn't
> work.
> Laptop drives are slow. They are slow because they are engineered for small
> size and resistance to shock rather than performance. They are also slow
> because laptops have slow IO buses and can't handle full performance on
> modern drives.
> A drive with a higher spin rate will have greater force on it's bearings when
> you tilt it. This isn't a big deal for desktop machines which don't move
> much. It is a serious issue for laptops which get used on trains!
> If your hard drive is slow then install more RAM for better caching.
> > My CPU is a Celeron 300. I chose this because it was inexpensive and
> > doesn't consume much power, but now I'd like a bit more speed, maybe
> > 50 to 100% more. Would something like a Celeron 500 be a good option?
> > Or a Pentium? Or something from AMD? Will any mobile chip fit into
> > my motherboard? How will the energy use of a modern 500MHz cpu
> > compare with that of a two year old Celeron 300?
> Replacing a CPU requires totally disassembling the machine. If something
> goes wrong you can't get replacement parts (laptops are known for breaking
> when you disassemble them). You may end up with a dead machine if you take
> it apart.
> A Celeron 300 is a good enough machine that it's not something you want to
> risk losing, I recommend not trying to upgrade it. Try upgrading it in 2-3
> years time when it's just a toy and you don't care if it dies!
> --
> http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/ Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark
> http://www.coker.com.au/postal/ Postal SMTP/POP benchmark
> http://www.coker.com.au/projects.html Projects I am working on
> http://www.coker.com.au/~russell/ My home page
> --
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