Could whoever runs this list please unsubscribe all users from jpmorgan. I have sent a message to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address and the postmaster address from that domain asking them to fix their auto-reply program. They have ignored my request and keep sending me those stupid messages. For the benefit of the people at JP Morgan, this is what you are doing wrong: 1) You are sending automated responses to mailing list email. This is wrong and is trivial to prevent. All good auto-responders have this as a default. 2) You do not read postmaster email. Reading postmaster email should be a requirement. Maybe the maps people should send mail to postmaster at each domain and allow us to block domains that don't check their postmaster account. The postmaster account is the primary notification of broken email systems. Also postmaster is often used to report security problems (NB any domain which doesn't read their postmaster email probably has security holes). 3) You repeatedly send out auto-reply messages. If I cared about whether Jonathan Kent read my messages then I would only need to be informed of his holiday once, not every time I send a message. Russell Coker ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Out of Office Notification for Jonathan D Kent Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 08:30:48 +0100 From: "Out of Office Agent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Your email message RE: "Re: framebuffer w/tp760el and trident" addressed to Jonathan D Kent has been successfully delivered. Jonathan D Kent is currently out of the office and will SOON return on 09/04/2000 Message: I am currently on vacation. If your mail is urgent pls contact Paulo Goncalves or Steve Mort This communication is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument or as an official confirmation of any transaction. All market prices, data and other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy and are subject to change without notice. Any comments or statements made herein do not necessarily reflect those of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated, its subsidiaries and affiliates. ------------------------------------------------------- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]