Subject: Improving collaboration between publicity team and localization teams

Greetings Localization teams, 

The Debian Publicity and Localization teams often work in the same areas
in Debian, on our side we have been thinking for some time of opening
communication and collaboration between our teams.

Our goal is twofold, we would like to promote more of your work in
translations and to highlight the work that you do locally, most
especially the work you do in Debian that may not be noticed.

We do not have many proposals at this time for how to do further
collaboration, this letter is just a hope that all of the teams on this
email are receptive to the idea.

We do think perhaps a dedicated lead person and workflow/pipeline for
our items would be ideal so that we could alert your teams to text in
the project that (we) or the project needs to have translated and at the
same time allow your teams to notify us of recent translations, events,
progress, or work you have done.

Also, we would like to advertise our micronews feed that can be used to
advertise news, events, sprints, milestones, etc. from any Localization
team. You can ping us directly on #debian-publicity or via mail in to announce there.

Please let us know and we can set up a joint pad toward an agenda and a
later group meeting. 

We would also like to take this time to share with you some of our
team’s collaborative tools which we haven’t really announced yet (but
are doing so now in this email :-).  - calendering and meeting setup instance    - quick team etherpad instance - translation collaborate pipeline instance

Thank you for your time, 

Carlos Henrique Lima Melara (charles)
Paulo Santana (phls)
Donald Norwood (donald)

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