On Sat, 5 Nov 2016 20:56:10 +0300 Eray ATIL wrote:

> Hello Francesco,
> I've just completed the translation and corrected you marked "fuzzy" and
> added in the e-mail.  Thank you for you warning.
> waiting for new duties :)

Hello Eray,
thanks a lot for updating the translation of apt-listbugs.

I have some questions:

  #: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:48
  msgid " [options] <command> [arguments]"
  msgstr " [seçenekler] <komutlar> [konular]"

Is "konular" the correct translation for "arguments" in the meaning of
"arguments of a function or command"?
It was previously translated as "argümanlar", which seems to be more
commonly used in Turkish translations of other programs...
Maybe the previous translation ("argümanlar") was better?

Please let me know and I'll modify the .po file accordingly.


  #: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:230
  msgid "Bugs of severity %s"
  msgstr "Hataların önem derecesi"

This translation seems to lack the "%s" that will be replaced by a
severity at run time: where should I insert it?

  msgstr "Hataların önem derecesi %s"


I can modify the .po file, if you confirm that my guess is OK.
Please let me know.

  #: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:266
  msgid "Cannot execute auto proxy detect command %s"
  msgstr "Otomatik proxy taraması komutu uygulanamadı"

This translation also lacks the "%s". May I modify it as follows?

  msgstr "Otomatik proxy taraması komutu %s uygulanamadı"

Please confirm that my guess is correct.

  #: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:613
  msgid ""
  "None of the above bugs is assigned to package %s\n"
  "Are you sure you want to pin it?"
  msgstr ""
  "Yukarıdaki hataların hiçbirisi %s\n paketine atanıyor"

Does this translation also include the question for the user?
I cannot see the question mark...
Could you please review the translation for this string and tell me how
I can modify it, if needed?

  #: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:853
  msgid "category of bugs"
  msgstr ""

  #: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:854
  msgid "tags"
  msgstr ""

These two strings were left untranslated: could you please tell me how
to translate them?

  #: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:934 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:946
  #: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:964
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "One package at a time?"
  msgstr "Bir kerede bir hata?"

This translation is still fuzzy: could you please tell me how I should
modify it? Maybe

  msgstr "Bir kerede bir paket?"

is correct: please let me know...

Please answer the above questions, so that we can improve the Turkish
translation for apt-listbugs!
Thanks for your time and patience.

P.S.: Please note that I basically know nothing about the Turkish
language, hence I may be wrong on a number of the above issues...
Please bear with me! Thanks for your understanding!

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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