if you even indirectly have a connection, "Pavel Durov" or Telegram
(software) programmers, please send them, let them write to the address

The project is larger and more promising. Here is not all.

I do not know much English!

I do not ask for money for the project!

I need only your understanding and verbal support of my project!

The Solving the problem, of illiteracy of children from single-parent
families, by teaching them to read consciously.

-The meaning of the word “reading” - by Adler Mortimer

“Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.”
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
-Edmund Burke

"Book Flower" - that's the name of my project
Book - knowing ; Flower - child.

1) Who am I
2) My project to solve the problem
3) What do i need

1) Who am I :
I’m Mark Anatolyevich Demyankin,
I’m 23 years old.
I live in Moscow.
I grew up in an incomplete family and could not read until 16 years old
(which caused enormous difficulties in life).
I see the problem from the inside and also see its solution!
My position in life:
All people on earth are something common.
I am against enmity; I am for unification.
Greed is destructive, but children are not born with it.
When I teach a child something new, I rejoice with him.
I want to devote my life to teaching children useful skills(reading is most

2) My project to solve the problem :
My project consists of 4 stages.
(the first 3 stages should be starting together, stages №1 ready to be
launched, stages №2 get ready for launch, stages №3 in progress, stages №4
needs verification, we conduct experiments)

Stage №1

Teaching children to cook healthy, tasty, simple, vegetarian dishes.
(I will invite famous children to the studio and teach them how to cook
vegetarian dishes)
(We will also study, and then repeat manually, the technology of creating
household items)
(this YouTube show to attract the attention of caring people to my project)

Stage №2

Providing needy children from single-parent families, as well as their
parents with healthy food (on an ongoing basis)
Grocery list :
whole grains and legumes, vegetables and fruits, nuts and dried fruits,
berries, greenery, clean water, baby food.
(it is also planned to provide single-parent families with legal and
medical assistance)
(stage in the process, since there is no way to contact an influential
person: God Nisanov, but this is not critical, as there are other product

Stage №3

Creating a website where people in need can request assistance
(also on the site,
people benefactors will be able to put up a product for sale, thereby
donating money to the project)
(auction for famous people who will exhibit unnecessary things, for
themselves, for sale, thereby donating money to the project, Example: old
t-shirt and other things)

Stage №4 (main stage)

Provide needy children from single-parent families with a free Conscious
Reading teacher.
(We will provide, reading volunteer teachers, to each child in need,
individually, the training will last 1 hour, every day.)
(Learning system will be created based on Adler Mortimer, redesigned for
children, children can be taught from 3 years of age))

3) What do i need :
discuss a project with you

Thank you for your time.

“Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.”
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
-Edmund Burke
