Package: postfix
Tags: l10n patch
Severity: wishlist

Dear maintainer,

Please, could you update the Brazilian Portuguese translation?

Attached you will find pt_BR.po gzipped file. It is UTF-8 encoded and it
was tested with msgfmt and podebconf-display-po without errors.

*PS: I realized that you forgot to type the question mark in the
"Update for 3.0".

Kind regards,

Marcelo Santana (aka msantana) <>
4096R/5B76053D: 8E9B 1014 4019 3526 C1C6  B0AC A3C0 DA1E 5B76 053D

Attachment: pt_BR.po.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: pgpsk40LMN6Gc.pgp
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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