Hallo Chris,
On Tue, Jul 09, 2013 at 12:19:49PM +0200, Chris Leick wrote:
> Helge Kreutzmann:
> >#: ../ladder:255
> ># FIXME: Fehlende schließende Klammer beginnend bei »in which case«
> >#, perl-format
> >msgid ""
> >"\n"
> >"%s - create a milestone repository\n"
> >"version %s\n"
> >"\n"
> >"Syntax: %s [OPTIONS] -m MILESTONE -t TARBALL\n"
> >"        %s -?|-h|--help|--version\n"
> >"\n"
> >"Commands:\n"
> >"-c|--config PATH:              config file for this migration [required]\n"
> >"-m|--milestone MILESTONE :     shortcut to config file\n"
> >"-t|--tarball PATH:             rootfs tarball to upgrade [required]\n"
> >"-n|--dry-run:                  unpack tarball and list the needed 
> >packages.\n"
> >"-a|--arch ARCHITECTURE:        architecture of the packages 
> >[default=armel]\n"
> >"\n"
> >"-?|-h|--help|--version:        print this help message and exit\n"
> >"\n"
> >"Options:\n"
> >"-n|--dry-run:                  check which packages would be processed\n"
> >"\n"
> >"The specified config file dictates the target branch to achieve from\n"
> >"the rootfs tarball specified in the file. Normally, this will be from\n"
> >"one milestone to the adjacent milestone. Run %s repeatedly to create\n"
> >"multiple steps. If the config file exists in /etc/ladder.d/, the\n"
> >"milestone name can be used as a shortcut.\n"
> >"\n"
> >"The initial tarball may be a clean build (in which case, ensure that\n"
> >"the milestone is the first software release. If the tarball contains \n"
> >"released software, this should normally be a default install of the \n"
> >"software release immediately prior to the specified milestone as some \n"
> >"packages may migrate data formats and other mechanisms between \n"
> >"releases and skipping a release is not usually supported.\n"
> >"\n"
> >"%s works in the /var/lib/ladder directory, unpacking the tarball into\n"
> >"./rootfs and creating the repostitory in a directory named after the\n"
> >"milestone. The tarball will be unpacked even in dry-run mode.\n"
> >"\n"
> >msgstr ""
> >"\n"
> >"%s - erzeugt ein Meilensteindepot\n"
> >"Version %s\n"
> >"\n"
> >"Syntax: %s [OPTIONEN] -m MEILENSTEIN -t TARBALL\n"
> >"        %s -?|-h|--help|--version\n"
> >"\n"
> >"Befehle:\n"
> >"-c|--config PFAD:              Konfigurationsdatei für diese"
> >"Migration [notwendig]\n"
> >"-m|--milestone MEILENSTEIN:    Abkürzung zur Konfigurationsdatei\n"
> Verweis?

Dachte ich auch erst, aber weiter unten steht dann »milestone name can
be used as a shortcut«, daher diese Übersetzung.

> >"-t|--tarball PFAD:             Rootfs-Tarball zum Upgraden [notwendig]\n"
> Nicht ganz am Original, aber schöner: zum Upgrade

Da finde ich meine Variante besser.

Vielen Dank fürs Durchschauen!

      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     deb...@helgefjell.de
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
        64bit GNU powered                     gpg signed mail preferred
           Help keep free software "libre": http://www.ffii.de/

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