11 übersetzte Meldungen, 10 ungenaue Übersetzungen, 1 unübersetzte Meldung.

# German translation of manpages
# This file is distributed under the same license as the manpages-de package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: manpages-de\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-30 14:39+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-30 14:39+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Tobias Quathamer <to...@debian.org>\n"
"Language-Team: German <debian-l10n-german@lists.debian.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. type: TH
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "INDEX"
msgstr "INDEX"

#. type: TH
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "2009-03-15"
msgstr "15. März 2009"

#. type: TH
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:29
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "GNU"
msgstr "GNU"

#. type: TH
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "Linux Programmer's Manual"
msgstr "Linux-Programmierhandbuch"

#. type: SH
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:30
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"

#. type: Plain text
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "index, rindex - locate character in string"
msgstr "index, rindex - finde ein Zeichen im String"

#. type: SH
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:32
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr "ÜBERSICHT"

#. type: Plain text
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:35
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<#include E<lt>strings.hE<gt>>\n"
msgstr "B<#include E<lt>string.hE<gt>>\n"

#. type: Plain text
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:37
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<char *index(const char *>I<s>B<, int >I<c>B<);>\n"
msgstr "B<char *index(const char *>I<s>B<, int >I<c>B<);>\n"

#. type: Plain text
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:39
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<char *rindex(const char *>I<s>B<, int >I<c>B<);>\n"
msgstr "B<char *rindex(const char *>I<s>B<, int >I<c>B<);>\n"

#. type: SH
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:40
#, no-wrap

#. type: Plain text
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:45
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The B<index>()  function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the "
"character I<c> in the string I<s>."
msgstr ""
"Die Funktion B<index()> gibt einen Zeiger auf die erste Position des "
"Zeichens I<c> im String I<s> zurück."

#. type: Plain text
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:50
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The B<rindex>()  function returns a pointer to the last occurrence of the "
"character I<c> in the string I<s>."
msgstr ""
"Die Funktion B<rindex()> gibt einen Zeiger auf die letzte Position des "
"Zeichens I<c> im String I<s> zurück."

#. type: Plain text
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:53
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The terminating NULL character is considered to be a part of the strings."
msgstr "Das abschließende NULL-Zeichen gehört hier mit zum String"

#. type: SH
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:53
#, no-wrap

#. type: Plain text
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:60
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The B<index>()  and B<rindex>()  functions return a pointer to the matched "
"character or NULL if the character is not found."
msgstr ""
"Die Funktionen I<index()> und I<rindex()> geben einen Zeiger auf das "
"gefundene Zeichen zurück oder NULL, wenn es nicht gefunden wurde."

#. type: SH
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:60
#, no-wrap
msgstr "KONFORM ZU"

#. type: Plain text
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:71
msgid ""
"4.3BSD; marked as LEGACY in POSIX.1-2001.  POSIX.1-2008 removes the "
"specifications of B<index>()  and B<rindex>(), recommending B<strchr>(3)  "
"and B<strrchr>(3)  instead."
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:71
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr "SIEHE AUCH"

#. type: Plain text
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:80
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"B<memchr>(3), B<strchr>(3), B<strpbrk>(3), B<strrchr>(3), B<strsep>(3), "
"B<strspn>(3), B<strstr>(3), B<strtok>(3)"
msgstr ""
"B<memchr>(3), B<strchr>(3), B<strpbrk>(3), B<strrchr>(3), B<strsep>(3), "
"B<strspn>(3), B<strstr>(3), B<strtok>(3)."

#. type: SH
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:80
#, no-wrap
msgid "COLOPHON"
msgstr "KOLOPHON"

#. type: Plain text
#: ../english/manpages/man3/index.3:87
msgid ""
"This page is part of release 3.25 of the Linux I<man-pages> project.  A "
"description of the project, and information about reporting bugs, can be "
"found at http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/.";
msgstr ""
"Diese Seite ist Teil der Veröffentlichung 3.25 des Projekts Linux-I<man-"
"pages>. Eine Beschreibung des Projekts und Informationen über das Berichten "
"von Fehlern finden sich unter http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/.";

Deutsche Übersetzung dieser Handbuchseite von
Martin Schulze <j...@infodrom.org>.

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