Hello Christian,
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 07:30:51AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> You guys just reached 97% for po-debconf translations. Still hunting
> for 100% for lenny...:-)


> fr   : 9594/9713,  119 missing, 98.77%
> de   : 9426/9713,  287 missing, 97.04%
> cs   : 9040/9713,  673 missing, 93.07%
> pt   : 8864/9713,  849 missing, 91.25%

This team had quite an advance as well!

> I'm still focusing my "l10n NMUs" on packages listed in
> http://i18n.debian.net/~thuriaux/l10n-nmu/nmu_bypackage.html, going
> down through the list.
> Under processing are packages down to chdrv in that list.
> Please feel free to point me at some specific packages you'd like to
> see NMU'ed and bring you up

Please have a view on [1] for our statistics/overview. Distilling this
and ignoring those already in process from you, I'd like you to
consider (from the German POV, obviously):

Bug#      Package
====      =======
#411535   cnews
#431274   mediamate
#431876   opendb
#433846   interchange
#448244   amavisd-new
#461326   cmap-adobe-gb1
#461648   cmap-adobe-cns1
#462298   x-ttcidfont-conf
#464469   cmap-adobe-japan1
#475422   delo              (Note: please contact amaya first)
n/a       wwwoffle
n/a       atlas
n/a       ipsec-tools
n/a       aegis

For the other open translations I'm still confident that there will be
maintainer uploads (though I did not check the history of each one). I
will contact you in about an month again if any of those remaining
should look stalled.

Thanks for advancing the l10n (debonf in particular) in Debian so



[1] http://sidney.homeunix.org/debian/de.po-debconf.by_popcon.html

      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
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  • 97% Christian Perrier

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